Ask a Christian Witch: Ghosts Speaking, Electronic Tarot Apps, and Understanding Islam, | Sara's Witchy Advice Column
What Does it Mean to Research as a Witch? | A Christian Witch's Research Tips and Beginner Book Recommendations
Ask a Christian Witch: Kabbalistic Angels, the Higher Self, and Cursing Your Enemies Safely | Sara's Witchy Advice Column
Ask a Christian Witch: Tarot Cards, the Church of Latter Day Saints, and Meeting One's Guardian Angel | Sara's Witchy Advice Column
Can Christians Use Tarot Cards? | Discussing Witchcraft, The Occult, and the Biblical Validity of Cartomancy
Ask a Christian Witch: The Existence of Demons, Worshipping Other Gods, and Incorporating UPG | Sara's Witchy Advice Column
Ask a Christian Witch: What Sin Is, Whether God Loves Us, and Why the Bible's So Full of Contradictions | Sara's Witchy Advice Column